Miles/Maya Morales

Age: 16 || Pronouns: She/They/He || Universe: Earth-1610

Miles is Maya in this AU, and she's a non-binary transfeminine teen. Nobody at school knows she's trans, and assumes she's a cisgender girl, and she intends to keep it that way. The only people who know she's trans are her parents, the other spider-people, and in the future, Ganke. She's still Spider-Man, who is seen as a cisgender male who's pretty flamboyant. The transgender aspect of Maya in this AU isn't a huge deal, but it does have its moments where it is important. She's very secure in her identity gender-wise, so there isn't much to say there. But regarding being Spider-Man, that is where Maya has a lot of trouble. She misses classes, she misses important events and dates, and she ends up pushing people away in order to keep her secret, even when she doesn't mean to. Her mental health is worsening, and she's frequently tired and irritable, which makes people more worried and more likely to talk about her behind her back. However, Maya is overall pretty well-liked at school, but is by no means popular. She has a good amount of friends, but the only ones who know of her vigilantism are Gwen, Pavitr, Hobie, and Lana.